
Mrs. Taylor's Reading Homework

              Catch a good book and READ!

Students in third grade have reading homework every week.  Students must keep reading logs which are due at school every Monday.  The requirement is to read a minimum of  75 minutes each week. (Requirements will increase to 100 minutes each week starting in the month of January.)  Reading logs have been passed out and students are expected to record the number of minutes that they read at home during the week.  Logs must be signed by a responsible adult and then returned to the students' homeroom teacher  every MondayWhile the expectation is to read for 75 minutes/week, a homework grade will be given for minutes read according to the following scale:

A=92-100 minutes     B=84-91  minutes   C=83-76 minutes   D=75-68 minutes  

Less than 68 minutes per week will be an F. 

Recent studies show that student achievement is significantly bolstered by just 20 extra minutes of reading each day.    Start today…..